Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Appointed King James

There have been times in the past where King James, passed on the moment to be a superstar. Like in 2007 game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals against the Detroit Pistons. Instead of taking the game tying shot on the collapsing defense King James passed out to a wide open Donyell Marshall who missed the game winning three. As soon as the media saw this we questioned his leadership and ability to take and make clutch shots. This year reminds us of how much pressure is put on King James to silence his critics. Something that he will never be able to do, until this year. How you might ask? He signed with the Miami Heat after 7 seasons of seeing that he needed another superstar, not role players, to deliver him a title. Now with Miami up 2-1, King James can taste the title that...

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